Saturday, September 15, 2012

Pinterest Rage

So, like a lot of people (women) I have an unnatural addiction to Pinterest. Unlike some, I actually do the things I pin. Recipes, crafts, etc. Sure there are a ton I haven't gotten to yet and sure I post some things that look awesome that I will probably never get to...but lets be realistic here. We all know that the majority of people pinning will never do a single one of their pins. Last time I went to my sister-in-law's I complimented her wine-crate coffee table. She excitedly told me it was a Pinterest craft! Then I noticed the new photo arrangement on the wall...another Pinterest find! We then had this exact convo about lazy pinners and us girls that actually do stuff. It was probably the silliest rant ever, but man it felt good.

Welcome to a rant on Pinterest.

So when you use Pinterest, you can just repin things. Fine. However, you can also click the picture again and it will take you to whatever website that image is from. Nearly every pin has a comment/description that says, "Best _____ ever!"  "Such a smart idea" but my favorite are the ones that say "OMG MUST BUY" or list very specific instructions like "HGTV says you can mix 1 gallon of paint with glitter and paint a wall! Who knew?!" That last one is a legit comment. It accompanies a picture of a very cute nursery with a wall full of sparkles. At first glance you'd think, "Hm, well I could totally see that working. Cool!" But then I think, "When glue dries, it is cloudy...and peels....hmmmm" So I went a step further and clicked the link. Guess what? That gorgeous wall isn't glitter and glue painted on...its REALLY EXPENSIVE WALLPAPER. Based on how often I've seen that pin show up, I can only imagine the people that are going to take the bad advice and do it anyways.

Or even better, I saw a pin that I instantly recognized as a scene from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. On board the futuristic space ship, they have a knife that toasts bread as you slice it. My first thought was really just a giggle...until I read the description. This had been repinned as an ACTUAL PRODUCT. That's right. Dozens of women were repinning this thinking that they could buy it from Skymall or something for $50. We have officially hit a new level of stupid lazy. One extra click and they could realize just how silly they were.


Now lets go cover cardboard letters with yarn and make padded headboards ya'll.

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