Saturday, September 15, 2012

I know I just posted, but...

Ok. I think we all need to step away from our computers for a sec and think about things. I know I just went on a Pinterest rant. I then went on to look at home decor ideas on Pinterest. I came across a pin about organizing your feminine supplies. Go ahead. Click it. This woman has been very clever in creating a bin full of tampons and pads for her master bath. The part that just absolutely killed me was at the bottom. If the box is on the floor, its her subtle hint to her husband that she's on the rag.

I mean, maybe its just me, but I don't feel the need to dance around the subject with my husband. It really MUST be just me because based on all of the comments on her post, DOZENS of women are like TEEHEE WHAT A PERFECT WAY! WE'RE SO SNEAKY! SILLY HUSBANDS! I mean, really? Do you also sleep in separate beds? Listen Lucy, I may not like getting my period, but it happens. I'm female and I'm human and my uterus is mostly functioning. My husband, also human, happens to know all about uteruses. Thanks health class. As a result, I don't see why women need to be so crazy uptight about just saying, "Oh hey, its that time, so you know...beware the cave of wonders." I don't call it the cave of wonders, but I might start. Anyways, I digress.

STOP BEING AFRAID OF YOUR BODIES. Seriously. If you cannot talk about your period and acknowledge it to your spouse, for gods sake, no wonder half of the political world thinks you can't make decisions about your parts! Half of the world has vaginas. Its no great mystery. Get over it. How do you even have sex or consider having children if you cannot look your husband in the face and say the word menstruation without feeling like its a dirty word? Its not about being too comfortable and crossing boundaries. If you are comfortable enough to get naked with someone you should be able to talk about all of those parts and their basic functions.

And please don't give me the excuse of nosey kids either. Age appropriate information prevents crazy feelings about this. Nips it right in the bud. I have a 5 year old. I have supplies in my purse and in my master bath. Guess what? He asked what they were. I said "lady things". He never asked again. STOP THE PRESSES! Its just that simple.

I'll climb off my soapbox now. Back to your regular programming.

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